Stede Bonnet’s Illegitimate Son?

In almost all of my book talks, I hear a question about “Stephen Bonnet,” the pirate, smuggler, sometimes murderer scallywag from the popular Starz series The Outlander.

“I’ve heard the Bonnet name before, isn’t he from Outlander?”

“Is the Stephen Bonnet character based on Stede Bonnet?”

“Is Stede Bonnet somehow related to Stephen Bonnet from Outlander?”

After some research, turns out the answer is YES, YES and YES.

See the series of tweets below from Outlander writer Diana Gabaldon. Another wonderful example of the connectivity and boundary removal that Twitter brings.

Are you an Outlander fan? What do you think Stede’s ” illegitimate son, Stephen?

Want to read more about the real life and trials of the Gentleman Pirate, Stede Bonnet? Check out my book on Amazon or wherever books are sold.

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